Noscrubs Logo


Software Engineering Intern

Aug 2024 - Present

NoScrubs is the fastest, most affordable laundry delivery service based out in Texas, United States.

I joined NoScrubs in August 2024 as a Software Engineering Intern. I was the 2nd employee, 1st engineering hire, and the 5th team member, giving me the opportunity to help build the system from the ground up
I work primarily with React Native and Ruby on Rails, developing features from scratch to enhance the experience for both scrubbers and customers.

My work at NoScrubs:

  • Developed a Server-Driven UI architecture to make the app more dynamic, enabling faster updates and improvements.
  • Built the Scrubber app from scratch and iterated on it multiple times.
  • Revamped the Customer app, continuously refining and enhancing it.
  • Integrated third-party APIs such as DoorDash and Pex to streamline business operations.
  • Designed and implemented key business features to optimize efficiency and scalability.
  • Improved the performance of our NextJS website by 30% by using treeshaking and improving redundant code

Worked with Ruby on Rails, React Native, NextJS, Postgresql.